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Campus-wide Safety Committee Meeting Minutes September 2, 2021


  1. Meeting was called to order at 9:03am
  2. Review of minutes from the previous month were approved as written at 9:03 AM.
  3. Accident & Near Miss Review (Workers’ Compensation)
    1. Celeste reported 1 injury since last meeting. Injury involved a hedge trimmer which resulted in the user hurting his elbow.
  4. Standing reports:
    1. Sonoma State University Police Dept- Not in attendance for reporting
    2. EH&S- Ruth reported general updates
      1. Safety Fair will take place next week Sept 8th 11:30-1:30. EHS will be using the fair to promote conservation of water and fire safety awareness (fire in dormitories and using fire extinguishers)
      2. Wildfire smoke-Ruth advised team to review link to Cal/OSHA requirement (below). Link provides information on how to don/doff masks as well as other useful information.
      3. Ruth asked for input on changing meetings to quarterly. Michael H. stated that meeting monthly is helpful in current climate. He suggested keeping it monthly until fire season and Covid is over, and suggested that we review this topic again after the end of the calendar year. Team agreed and meeting frequency will be reviewed again in January
    3. Facilities Management
      1. Dana reported that FM is checking all systems right now due to power outage. He also reported that there was a hydro spill by Recology. Their truck spilled 8 gallons at various locations throughout campus, however they are onsite and cleaning. Affected places: Darwin/Student Center/Parking lots. Dana will verify if storm drains were affected. Jordan reported that he spotted a puddle at entrance to Cooperage but nothing in the storm drains. Recology is doing a good job cleaning up. Dana also reported that the Corp yard asphalt project is completed. Yard was repaved and looks great. He also reported that the Shipping/Receiving issues have also been completed except for a couple of roof leaks which the team is working on.  Julie gave thanks to the FM team for the replacement of the roof of green house.
    4. Student Affairs- Ben Ellis reported that their team has created Covid safety protocols for noncompliance, but have not received report yet. By not receiving any reporting, he assumes that everything is being followed.
      1. Health fair: they are partnering with Sonoma County for Narcan information and DUI and additional alcohol and drug information.
      2. Phones for RA’s and area coordinators are being upgraded to be able to have priority status for communication with students during emergencies.
    5. Disability Services for Students- Michael Eynon inquired if there have been any increase in housing break ins and what is the protocol when that happens? Missy reported on behalf of UPD and stated that there are no burglaries reported on the log, but may want to follow up with UPD. She stated that community warnings will be sent out when notified of burglaries.
    6. CSUEU & Teamsters- Jordan acknowledge nothing to report.
  5. Emergency Services

a. COVID-19 Campus update-

  1. Student events- Dennis Goss inquired about seeing several people without masks and stated that an employee can choose not to enter areas that they don’t feel safe in. He stated that we can’t police the student part, but can tell employees don’t go in are if not feeling safe. Michael H. stated that he is worried about the staff (specifically IT) and asked for a copy of the protocol. Ben E stated that he will forward to group via Missy, documents which contain Student conduct information and others. Others in the meeting inquired about UPD getting involved. Missy reported that UPD will come if there is a disturbance, but if you see someone not wearing a mask let them know. Ben E also asked team to contact him if it becomes a continuous problem and they can meet with the individual student and follow up. They will try to manage the people that are difficult and continually non-compliant. Michael H. asked Erin about HR’s input on this matter. Erin stated that ideally employee should report issues to their manager, then someone can reach out to student affairs. Jordan stated that during work orders, FM asks students to wear a mask or they refuse to go in. Michael H. is worried about bigger events and non-compliance. Missy stated that if any continual non-compliance occurs, they will follow up with student affairs staff, and they will pull the plug on events if students are continually not following laws.
  2. Employee lunch breaks- Stephen Green asked if employees can eat at desk, or if they should be eating in common areas. Missy stated that there is no protocol out yet. But there are no indoor areas available for employee to dine. She suggested that it is safer to eat outdoors or alone indoors. She recommends to eat outdoors. Erin will consult with Jeff for any mandates about eating at desk with no mask on. Missy stated that break rooms are a significant concern due transmission. Erin will work on getting an answer. Tyson stated that he will bring up issue during Covid monitoring meeting and plans for winter season change.
  3. Vaccination rate- Jordan asked if we have figures on vaccination rate for students. Missy stated that there is limited data on students so far but 75% of student body are vaccinated as of 10 days ago. The numbers should be going up to around 85% due to some of them being partially vaccinated and due for second dose this week, and might be even higher because not all students have completed their submission of documentation. Jordan asked if there are numbers on vaccinated individuals that have contracted covid. Missy stated no numbers on that yet. Students are getting surveillance testing (for asymptomatic as well). They are strongly recommending testing, and right now the campus is having problems with people coming to work sick. We need supervisors and peers to encourage people not to come to work when ill, even if just a cold is suspected.
  4. Missy reported a 30 total positive since last semester. The numbers we are seeing right now are lower with regard to the size of the total population on campus. Faculty are doing a good job reporting when students let them know of positive test results. One area of concern is that students that are unvaccinated need to be tested weekly. If they are not testing weekly, their badges will be marked as orange. For folks that are working in contact with students, you can ask to see their badges. Students can provide their green/yellow/red indicator badge on phone from wellness screening (needs to be green, other colors non-compliant). Missy will send the team the documentation about this on campus indicator system for students. Missy gave an update regarding exposure notification emails. They will start to be more specific and contain floor numbers to buildings. Missy also reported that unfortunately, there is a class where instructor and students not following mask mandate. So they will be addressing this.
  5. Repopulation for next Spring- Julie asked if the covid team will be providing more information, especially for faculty and classroom planning. Missy stated that committee is looking into updating the telecommuting agreement since the current agreement ends this December. More communication will be coming out for long term arrangements for more telecommuting opportunities. The arrangements will take into account the different department needs. Erin stated that they are also waiting on the Chancellor’s office, which is working on CSU wide agreement.  

 b. Wildfire-

Missy explained that September brings wind change. She reported that the N95 masks we received from the state have valves so they need to be worn together with covid masks. She also stated that air quality notification will be going out, and the PSPS response plan is being finalized. Stephen Green asked if we can we put masking tape over valve?  Ruth advised, no due to the purpose of the valves on an N95 for exhalation. Missy sent everyone a link to the air quality monitoring site: She stated that at 150, the campus will distribute N95 masks, and at 200 move indoors, and campus will close campus at above 250. She advised that everyone should let supervisors know when they are concerned about air quality, then they can contact Missy.

c. Other emergency planning-

Missy reported that there will be an EOC workshop coming up. Topic: Earthquake response and damage assessment. A full-scale multi-day exercise will come up in June. Julie asked that with staff working in hybrid, is it possible to send out another message to individuals to alert managers of issues happening wherever they are working. Missy stated that a messaging will go out with those instructions when an event happens. Julie asked what the EOC looks like? Missy stated that the leadership is Tyson and Missy and others are changing, she can send out a roster. She also stated that the Deans are no longer in the EOC, since they will be on a council in an academic role. Julie recommends that AM’s be involved due to changing and new deans. Missy stated that a distribution list for AM’s will be provided, and reminded Julie that Mike Ogg is the chief of that planning section so he can be contacted if any issues come up.

6. New Business from members / Roundtable Discussion

  1. Heat Illness Awareness- /sites/ehs/files/protecting_yourself_from_heat_illness_handout.pdf
  2. Water Saving Ideas- /sites/ehs/files/water_saving_tips.pdf
  3. Wildfire Smoke – Cal/OSHA Requirement- /node/88