Chemical Safety Committee


The purpose of the Chemical Safety Committee shall be to ensure compliance with the tenets of the  Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP). 

The CHP is designed to:

  • Assist faculty, staff, and students with hazard recognition and mitigation requirements for Sonoma State University laboratories.
  • Reduce potential exposures, and investigate incidents involving hazardous materials.

The Chemical Safety Committee membership, shall be comprised of at least one member from each department in which hazardous chemicals are utilized and a representative from Environmental Health and Safety.


The responsibilities of the Chemical Safety Committee are as follows:

  • Review research proposals where the use of hazardous materials may require additional documentation/procedures such as a Project Hazard Assessment (PHA).
  • review proposals to change or modify existing procedure or process for approval.
  • Discuss, explore, study and resolve problems that arise in the laboratories.
  • Prepare meeting minutes and make available to the public.
  • Participate in investigations of laboratory or hazardous area accidents and causes of incidents, determine root cause and corrective measures.
  • Submit recommendations to the Chemical Hygiene Officer on laboratory or hazardous area  concerns and suggest potential solutions.


  • The Committee shall meet at a minimum, once a semester during the academic year.
  • Invitations to meetings will be sent out to all members, with details provided in the Agenda, along with any supplementary information.  The primary form of communication will be electronic (email and attachments).
  • The Chemical Hygiene Officer shall provide updates on federal, state, and local regulations concerning laboratories, chemicals and worker safety.
  • The Chemical Safety Committee will strive for a consensus when making decisions.  In a case where reaching a consensus becomes a challenge, a small sub-committee will be formed to discuss both sides of the issue and the best resolution for the campus community.

Membership (Structure)

A minimum of one representative from each are listed below shall compose the Committee:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Geology
  • Engineering Science
  • Art & Art History
  • Environmental Health & Safety
  • Facilities Management

Charter Date: February 9, 2021