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Campus-wide Safety Committee Meeting Minutes May 5, 2022


Attendance: Tyson Hill, Michael Hazen, Kelley Greene, Karl Mortenson, Tiffany Perry, Erin Taylor, Dennis Goss, Vanessa Bascherini, Erin Taylor, Michael Eynon, Jordan Lundberg, Ryan Henne, Lauren Antoni, Thomas Sargent, Dana Twedell, Julie Barnes


  1. Meeting was called to order at 9:04 a.m. 

  2. Prior month’s minutes are not available and will be reviewed at next meeting

  3. Incident Review 

    1. Tiffany Perry reported one worker’s compensation report for prior month - strain

    2. Missy Brunetta reported out on a meeting with Teamsters to debrief a safety concern related to the recent power outages; Risk Management, HR, Facilities and Teamsters representatives discussed communication surrounding the incident; all parties agreed that employees are empowered to deny work that cannot be done safely based on the employees judgment, training, and expertise; Risk and Facilities will develop and annual safety notice to all employees covering employee rights and responsibilities surrounding job safety and the steps to take when told to perform work the employee does not feel comfortable doing due to safety concerns

  4. Standing Reports

    1. Karl Mortenson from the Sonoma State Police Department reported statistics from the Daily Crime Log. Crimes this month included a number of thefts from classrooms and offices;  Julie Barnes shared her perspective that classrooms need to remain locked and faculty need to be issued keys to ensure proper security.

    2. Brunetta had no update from EHS.  The Director position will be posting soon and is finalizing the process in HR.

    3. Dana Twedell shared that Facilities Management (FM) worked through the issues with the State Fire Marshal’s Office and the solar project will proceed.  A number of exterior lights that were reported out have been resolved and are now functioning.  FM is also continuing to debrief from the multiple power outages affecting campus in April.  Additional maintenance work will be needed in the coming months to replace aged equipment. 

    4. Ryan Jasen Henne from Student Affairs discussed the ongoing need for the CARE Team to continue to support a record number of students through the semester. 

    5. Missy Brunetta had no updates on SafeSSU. 

    6. Jordan Lundberg, Teamsters Safety Steward, had no updates.

    7. The group discussed reported safety concerns regarding vehicle movements in parking lot D.  Vehicles are moving across the lot without consideration for the marked lanes, speed limits, and designated entry/exit points.  It was agreed that signage is not adequate to encourage drivers to use the correct entrance/exit point.

    8. Vanessa Bascherini from APC had no updates. Bascherini shared that this was her last meeting.  The committee thanked Vanessa for her service in representing APC.

    9. Brunetta shared an update on COVID-19, which is currently surging in both Sonoma County and the state. Campus cases are increasing but still in line with the local community.  Employee daily wellness screenings will be phased out in favor of a self-screening system.  The date for the change is still TBD.

    10. Brunetta provided updates regarding the June 2022 full-scale exercise. Based on weather and vegetation conditions, the county has entered fire season.  

    11. Julie Barnes reminded the group that consideration of and preparation for power outages is needed to ensure critical equipment in SST is protected during short and long term outages.