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Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)

Sonoma State University (SSU) makes every effort to maintain a healthy and safe work environment for faculty, staff, students, and visiting contractors. The University is committed to complying with health and safety standards set forth by local, State, and Federal agencies. To meet these goals, SSU has developed and implemented several health and safety programs. Collectively, these programs represent the University’s efforts to minimize occupational injury and illness, to preserve and protect environmental quality, and to reduce liability.

The development and implementation of an Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) is required by the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health Administration, (Cal/OSHA). The General Industry Safety Orders (GISO) Section 3203 in the California Code of Regulations regarding workplace injury and illness prevention programs are governed by Cal/OSHA   and require specific program elements, including the designation of a responsible person and identification of a system for:

  • Communicating with employees on matters concerning safety and health;
  • Identifying, evaluating and reducing workplace hazards;
  • Implementing a procedure for injury/illness investigation;
  • Mitigating hazards in the workplace;
  • Training employees; and
  • Maintaining records.

This comprehensive Injury and Illness Prevention Program has been prepared by the Department of Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) at Sonoma State University. The IIPP has been created to address the specific regulatory requirements outlined above, as well as, the incorporation of best management practices.