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Hazardous Materials Approval Procedure



person within a department, college or other administrative unit who has working knowledge of hazardous materials, the necessary training, and is authorized by the department to purchase hazardous materials.

Consumer Product:

products that are used in the workplace in the same manner that a consumer would use them, i.e.; where the duration and frequency of use (and therefore exposure) is not greater than what the typical consumer would experience.

Hazardous Materials:

chemical substances, which if improperly stored, handled, used, or disposed may pose a threat to human health or the environment.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA):

federal and state agencies responsible for establishing and enforcing occupational safety and health regulations.

Safety Data Sheet (SDS) formerly known as Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS):

product safety and handling information supplied by the product manufacturer. It is a requirement of the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard that a copy of each chemical's SDS be made available to any person working with or around a hazardous material.


1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that applicable environmental health and safety issues are considered and addressed before a hazardous material is procured. 

1.2 Scope

This procedure applies to all purchases of hazardous materials that will be stored or used on the Sonoma State University campus.

All Requestors must adhere to the requirements of this procedure, in order to have hazardous materials/chemical approved (where applicable), for use on campus, and prior to purchase.

1.3 Exemptions/Exclusions

Materials or consumer products that do not require Safety Data Sheet (e.g. non-hazardous chemicals) are excluded from this procedure.

This program covers the approval of hazardous materials/chemicals to be authorized for use on the Sonoma State University campus.  The method of purchase (ProCard or E-Requisition) is the responsibility of the Contracts and Procurement (C&P) department.  The Requestor must follow all C&P requirements for the method of purchase.

1.4 References

SSU Procurement Card Handbook


2.1 Requestor

Requestor is responsible for ensuring their department and end users of hazardous materials have the necessary knowledge, skills and training to safely handle, store, use, and dispose of hazardous materials before the hazardous materials are purchased. Responsible for submitting the Hazardous Materials Requiring Approval Form (attachment 2), if required, to P&CS.

2.2 Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S)

EH&S is responsible for this procedure, as well as, the development, implementation, approval and monitoring of hazardous materials on the SSU campus and auxiliary locations.

2.3 Colleges and Departments

It is the responsibility of deans, directors and department chairpersons to ensure their respective Colleges and/or Departments comply with the Hazardous Materials Approval Procedure, including, providing the necessary resources and personnel. 

2.4 Contracts and Procurement (C&P)

Contracts and Procurement is responsible to understand and participate in this program, as well as, to ensure chemicals requiring approval have received it, when reviewing purchases from ProCards or EREQs.


Requestors will be provided training as needed or required.  The training will cover the relevant safety and environmental documents/attachments and concerns that must be considered when submitting a request for hazardous materials. The training is available upon request to EH&S (


These procedures apply to mechanism(s) used to obtain authorization to purchase a hazardous material to include Vendor Samples & receiving/gifting of used equipment (all Vendor Samples and receiving or gifting of used equipment MUST have EH&S approval).

All hazardous materials requests will be routed to a College or Department Requestor.

The Requestor shall consult Attachment 1 & 3, Hazardous Materials Approval Flow Chart and Hazardous Materials Search Reference, for each purchase to determine if the chemical requires EH&S approval.  If the chemical does not meet the criteria in Attachments 1 & 3, the Requestor can purchase the material per C&P guidelines/requirements.

If the hazardous material meets the requirements in Attachments 1 & 3, it will require EH&S approval.  The Requestor will complete Attachment 2, Hazardous Materials Requiring Approval Form and submit the completed form for review by EH&S.  Please email requests to

The Requestor is responsible to ensure employees have been trained on the hazards relative to the chemical/product, have the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment to handle the chemical, and a Safety Data Sheet has been reviewed and is available on MSDS Online for the chemical to be utilized.  EH&S will assist the Requestor to ensure environmental health and safety requirements are considered and implemented for the specific hazardous material.  Once the hazardous material has been approved for purchase, EH&S will sign Attachment 2, return the signed form to the Requestor, and/or their department will retain the approved Attachment 2 form for future purchases of the same material.  Once approval has been obtained on the Hazardous Materials Requiring Approval Form, it does not need to be requested again, unless policy or regulations change.

If the hazardous material is not applicable or included in Attachment 1 & 3, it is not necessary to send EH&S the Attachment 2 form.  The Requestor will review the request to ensure all applicable safety and environmental compliance requirements have been considered and implemented for safe handling, storage, and disposal before purchasing.  If the Requestor has concerns about a request, the concern should be resolved with EH&S before the hazardous material/chemical is purchased.


Hazardous Material purchases must follow the C&P policies and procedures.  Please consult C&P concerning all purchasing or procurement questions.  Once EH&S approval has been obtained (if required), the Requestor can purchase their material/chemical.


Attachment 1: Hazardous Materials Approval Flow Chart

Attachment 2: Hazardous Materials Procurement Approval Form (Smartsheet)

Attachment 3: Hazardous Materials Search Reference 

Record of Revisions

Version Date 0 March 2020 1.0 February 2021