Project Hazard Analysis and Standard Operating Procedures

Project Hazard Analyses

A Project Hazard Analysis (PHA) is used to describe how to perform a task step-by-step, any hazards associated with a task, and controls to mitigate these hazards. PHAs can be developed as part of a safety training program for all equipment and specific operations that present safety hazards and/or concerns. Supervisors, P.I.'s or advisors can use the PHA's to train employees and students on equipment and operations before they begin engaging in such work practices.

Standard Operating Procedures

A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a set of written instructions that describes in detail how to perform a laboratory process or experiment safely and effectively. SOPs are a requirement of Sonoma State’s Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP).

The scope of an SOP can cover:

  • The specific use of a chemical or class of chemicals (such as a specific laboratory procedure).
  • The generic use specific chemical or class of chemicals with similar hazards (for example, mineral acids).
  • A generic procedure (such as distillation) that covers several chemicals.


The PI/Lab Supervisor is responsible for providing written SOPs relevant to health and safety for laboratory activities he/she directs involving hazardous agents.

Prioritizing SOP Development

Priority for SOP development should be given to any operation involving Restricted Chemicals, certain higher risk chemicals, such as select carcinogens, reproductive toxins, and chemicals with high acute toxicity and highly reactive chemicals, and specified higher risk research procedures described in the CHP.

A PHA-SOP Template is below. Users may elect to utilize this form and fill in appropriate information as needed to generate SOP's for their specific laboratory activities. 

General Use SOPs

General use SOPs by Hazard Class are available for you to incorporate into your own SOPs, as appropriate.