Safety Data Sheet Sections Explained

Table explaining the 16 sections of a Safety Data Sheet
Standard Sections of an SDS
Section 1 – Identification Section 2 – Hazard(s) Identification Section 3 – Composition  Section 4 – First-Aid Measures

Contains the product identifier or tradename, contact details of the manufacturer, and the telephone number to contact in case of an emergency. 

Gives details on the potential health and physical hazards of the chemical. This section is typically where you will find hazard statements, categories, and  pictograms. 

If the chemical is a mixture, this section should provide the information on the identity and proportions of hazardous ingredients in the mixture.

Describes the necessary first aid measures to be taken in case of an accident.

Section 5 – Fire-Fighting Measures Section 6 – Accidental Release Measures Section 7 – Handling and Storage Section 8 – Exposure Controls and Personal Protection

Gives specific information on fighting a fire involving the chemical, including the most suitable extinguishing media 

Describes what actions need to be taken if there is an accidental release or spill during chemical handling.

Contains details on how to minimize the potential risks to people, property and the environment during chemical handling and storage.

Provides information on control measures that can be used to reduce exposure, for example, and guidance on required personal protective equipment (PPE).

Section 9 – Physical and Chemical Properties Section 10 – Stability and Reactivity Section 11 – Toxicological Information Section 12 – Ecological Information

Detailed information on the physical and chemical properties of the chemical; for example, appearance, odor, pH, flash point, melting/boiling point or any other relevant physical data.

Contains details of any hazardous reactions that may occur if the chemical is used under certain conditions and details of any incompatible materials

This section gives detailed information on the toxicological properties of the chemical.

Provides detailed information on the ecological hazard properties of the chemical.

Section 13 – Disposal Considerations Section 14 – Transport Information Section 15 – Regulatory Information Section 16 –Other Relevant Information

Chemical Handling information such as how to dispose of, recycle or reclaim correctly after use.

Contains basic classification information like UN number and transport hazard classes and packing groups that relate to the transport of the chemical by road, rail, sea or air.

Provides advice on other international or national regulatory information specific to the chemical.

Provides any other information relevant to the preparation of the safety data sheet. National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) ratings and Hazardous Material Information System (HMIS) ratings are typically found in this section.