Campus-wide Safety Committee Agenda April 1, 2021

Campus-wide Safety
Meeting Date
Thursday, April 1, 2021
  1. Introductions
    1. Introductions
  2. Review of minutes from previous month
  3. Accident & Near Miss Review (Workers’ Compensation)
    1. Brief summary of number and type of incidents reported since last meeting/trends
  4. Standing reports:
    1. Sonoma State Police Dept
    2. EH&S
      1. Updates
        1. EHS
          1. New Programs
          2. Recognition
          3. Stevenson Remodel
          4. Injury trending in Facility Management - Teamsters
        2. Safety - Christy
          1. Chemistry Inspection -Completed
          2. Biology Inspections - April
        3. Environmental - Chris
          1. SPCC Inspections
    3. Facilities Management
    4. Student Affairs
    5. Disability Services for Students
    6. CSUEU & Teamsters
  5. Emergency Services
    1. COVID-19 Campus update
  6. New Business from members / Roundtable Discussion