Campus-wide Safety Committee Meeting Minutes December 2, 2021

Campus-wide Safety
Meeting Date
Thursday, December 2, 2021

Attendance: Ruth LeBlanc, Christy Gorman, Michael Hazen, Kelley Greene, Karl Mortenson, Celeste McLaughlin, Erin Taylor, Missy Brunetta, Dennis Goss, Tyson Hill, Erin Taylor, Michael Eynon, Jordan Lundberg, Ryan Henne

  1. Meeting was called to order at 9:02 am
  2. Review of minutes from the previous month were approved as written at 9:03 am
  3. Accident & Near Miss Review (Workers’ Compensation)
    1. Celeste reported number and type of incidents reported since last meeting/trends: Slip/fall on wet walkway, hearing loss found during medical monitoring appointment (unknown cause), shoulder injury reported (no worker’s comp claim filed), forearm injury/strain from driving cart on campus.
    2. Celeste also informed the committee that this is her last attendance on this committee as she is taking another position SJSU. Team wished Celeste well on her future endeavors.
  4. Standing reports:
    1. Sonoma State University Police Dept-
      1. Karl reported the November log: Couple of calls for students tampering with fire alarm. Since this is the 2nd offense by student, it has been referred to DA office (also noted that drug paraphernalia found onsite); Warrant arrest for hit/run in the parking lot, some found repeatedly not wearing masks (area access restricted for 7 days); Copeland Creek resident found lighting campfire; petty theft reported; Warrant arrest at Darwin.
      2. Karl also shared with the committee that PD is participating in a Food drive. Program supports dispatching for fire/medical in the area. PD is looking for partners to join the food drive. There is a drop-off box in front of PD building if anyone would like to donate. Also, there will be a social media campaign coming out shortly.
    2. EH&S
      1. Ruth reported general updates: The Confined Space Program has been finalized, thank you to Kelley Greene for reviewing. Also, the campus IIPP has been reviewed and finalized as well, thank you to Erin Taylor for support.
      2. Ruth reported that EH&S has completed inspections for Geology and Art departments. A lot of progress has been made and compliance has risen compared to last year’s inspections.
      3. Chemical use and storage- Ruth reminded team to please ensure that any chemical SDS is available on campus MSDS online. She also reported that some hazardous chemicals are being found on campus that need to be disposed, so please contact EH&S. Some of the chemicals found may have been donated many years past, and disposal and clean up are becoming very costly. Thus, a reminder to team that external donations of chemicals are not permitted on campus.  
    3. Facilities Management- Kelley reported that FM is working on fire sprinkler inspections, otherwise nothing else to report.
    4. Student Affairs- Ryan reported that Care reports are still coming in. His team is also finishing up the Drug and Alcohol Awareness Program, so it should be complete by end of month.
    5. Disability Services for Students- Michael reported that his team is still working with high- need level students in planning for finals, otherwise nothing else to report.
    6. CSUEU- Dennis reported that they are waiting for re-population in January to work with moving, etc., but otherwise nothing else to report.
    7. Teamsters- Jordan stated that there is nothing to report from Teamsters.
  5. Emergency Services-
    1. Missy reported that the fire season over, but last quarterly forecast reported dry to minimal rainfall. Next quarterly forecast scheduled to come in at the end of the month.
    2. Missy also reported that the EOC team is gearing up for a planned training event with IT in June.
    3. Missy reported on the COVID-19 campus update. There is a new variant of concern, but a lot of unknowns so far. There are concerns about vaccine efficacy, but still unknown. Efficacy testing results are expected to come in the next 14 days. Campus is getting requests for international travel, and are reviewing. There will be meetings with unions regarding vaccination status/testing with regard to campus repopulation. So far, 200 employees have not completed their vaccination status reports. There will be a revised schedule for the testing center during the student down time over academic break, should be up soon. The county remains in Red (or substantial level). The vaccinations for children are going well, however we have not reached 80% total population in the county yet. Thus, it is projected that masks will be required at least through mid-spring semester. Employee vaccination rate is at 87% but people are still adding their records/status to system. It is noted that a number of those not completed are faculty that are working remotely and have not completed exemption reports to the system. Remote exemptions will need to be renewed next semester. Student vaccination rate is at 90%. Jordan inquired about any protocols for travel. Missy stated that the campus relys on CDC requirements for travel. Thus, any restrictions for entry depends on the country that the traveler is going to or from. Missy reminded team that travel safety plans should be submitted to the Risk office, and all international travel needs to be approved by the President.
  6. New Business from members / Roundtable Discussion- no new business reported.