Campus-wide Safety Committee Meeting Minutes July 7, 2022

Campus-wide Safety
Meeting Date
Thursday, July 7, 2022

Attendance: Tyson Hill, Michael Hazen, Kelley Greene, Trisha Ramos, Erin Taylor, Dennis Goss, Kendall Newman, Erin Taylor, Michael Eynon, Jordan Lundberg, Ryan Henne, Tiffany Perry, Julie Barnes, Thomas Sargent, Margot Brown, Michael Hazen



  1. Meeting was called to order at 9:03 a.m. 

  2. Review of minutes from the previous month were approved with changes at 9:04 a.m.

  3. Incident Review 

    1. Tiffany Perry reported several worker’s compensation reports including a strain, a cut, a wasp sting, a contusion, and a repetitive injury report. 

    2. Perry also mentioned that worker’s compensation reports are not coming in timely. Perry further encouraged all employees and managers to report timely, as appropriate. 

    3. Missy Brunetta reported that there were no Risk or EHS issues that month.

  4. Standing Reports

    1. No representative present. 

    2. Brunetta reported that Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) is continuing to review and revise safety programs. Brunetta provided an update on the residential facility that white powder suspected of drugs was found in. EHS and Facilities are working with a vendor for testing as abatement as appropriate. Brunetta also shared that the campus is working on the site clean-up on the northside of campus with SSUPD. Facilities and EHS partnered together to provide fall protection training to applicable employees in the department. EHS is working with the boot vendor to correctly issue boots to applicable employees. 

    3. Dana Twedell provided an update for Facilities Management. The second round of repairs associated with the electrical issues are ongoing. No impact to campus currently, but FM will coordinate as needed. FM is in conversations with the Chancellor’s Office for funding to complete the full repair. The county and state are facing extreme drought conditions and campus will be impacted by being asked to reduce water consumption. 

    4. Ryan Henne shared they are preparing for move-in, including drug and alcohol programs and prevention.

    5. Michael Eynon from Disability Services for Students shared that they are supporting orientation beginning with Summer Bridge, starting in August. 

    6. Brunetta shared no updates for SafeSSU.

    7. Dennis Goss from CSUEU had no updates. 

    8. Jordan Lundberg had no updates. 

    9. No APC rep present.

  5. Brunetta shared an update on COVID-19, which is currently surging in both Sonoma County and the state. CDPH recently put out some new guidance updating the close contact and high risk period definitions. SSU is working to align with these new definitions in our processes.

  6. Brunetta provided updates regarding planning for wildfire season. Information will be provided to the campus soon on wildfire smoke and the campus response.