Campus-wide Safety Committee Meeting Minutes October 6, 2022

Campus-wide Safety
Meeting Date
Thursday, October 6, 2022

Attendance: Michael Hazen, Kendall Newman, Missy Brunetta, Tiffany Perry, Erin Tyalor, Kimberly Petersen, Jordan Lundberg, Thomas Sargent, Dana Twedell, Tyson Hill, Karl Mortenson, Julie Barnes, Ryan Henne, Stephen Green, Lauren Antoni


  1. Meeting was called to order at 9:03 a.m. 

  2. Review of minutes from the previous month were approved.

  3. Incident Review 

    1. Tiffany Perry reported twelve injuries ranging from report only to claims related to the heat incident, and slip and falls. 

    2. Missy Brunetta reported that EHS is reviewing the Heat Illness program review after the heat incident recently to ensure employee and campus needs are being met. 

  4. Safety in Focus: Illicit Drug Identification and Removal 

    1. Brunetta, Dana Twedell and Thomas Sargent presented on the campus response to the recent drug identification and removal process within the residential community at SSU. Powerpoint available by request. 

  5. Standing Reports

    1. Karl Mortensen from Sonoma State University Police Department reported a summary of crimes for the month of September, which included various crimes found on the Crime Log

    2. Brunetta reported that Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) is engaged in compliance activities and program management. SSU was also in receipt of a formal Cal-OSHA complaint, that SSU is in the process of responding to. Contact EHS for more information on this item. 

    3. Dana Twedell provided an update for Facilities Management and an update on the projects happening on campus including the 12KV project, and the microgrid project. All projects are progressing as planned. Construction on the microgrid project is set to begin in Summer of 2023. The EOC renovation project is set to complete in January 2023, also. 

    4. Brunetta provided updates regarding emergency service planning and preparedness activities. Brunetta also shared that due to the recent earthquake, a reminder of protocols should be sent out. 

    5. Ryan Henne shared that the annual drug free campus notice was sent to out to the campus. 

    6. Michael Eynon shared a concern about the reinstallation of bollards when being replaced, not occurring timely. Twedell stated he would follow up with Facilities Management staff. 

    7. Kendall Newman shared no updates for SafeSSU Committee. 

    8. Dennis Goss from CSUEU had no update. 

    9. Jordan Lundberg from Teamsters had no updates. 

    10. No APC rep present.

    11. Henne brought up a concern regarding Dismount Zones on campus. Brunetta shared she would follow-up with Transportation and Parking Services for a delegate on the committee to discuss.