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Campus-wide Safety Committee Minutes April 2, 2020


  1. Introductions

  1. Minutes from previous meeting were approved as written.

  1. Accident & Near Miss Review (Workers’ Compensation)

    1. Workers’ Compensation representative not present. 

  1. Standing reports:

    1. University Police

      1. UPD representative not present.

      2. Missy Brunetta provided Jeanne Clery update related to timely warning sent to campus of burglary attempt. This is normal behavior around student move-out time and as a response, UPD has increased patrols to help reduce crime activity. 

    2. EH&S

      1. EH&S has developed procedures and documents in response to the CSU Audit and have shared with Academic Affairs for implementation. 

      2. Currently developing tiered levels for employee, faculty, and student safety trainings with the Training and Development Office in Human Resources to be launched soon. 

      3. E-waste and U-waste duties have been transferred to the Director of Sustainability in Facilities Management. 

      4. Water Board permit still pending due to COVID-19 outbreak and shelter in place. 

      5. Chemical Hygiene Plan has been revised and is under review by the Dean of School of Science and Technology. 

    3. Student Affairs

      1. Disability Awareness Month events have been converted to virtual events or cancelled. 

      2. Disability Services for Students working diligently to continue to provide access to services for students (e.g. advising, registration support). 

    4. Facilities Management

      1. Facilities Management is supporting COVID-19 efforts in areas of custodial, maintenance, and landscaping with safety paramount in response efforts. 

    5. Emergency Services

      1. COVID-19 (commonly known as Coronavirus) has taken over the world and become a global pandemic.  

      2. Student Health Center is following Public Health guidelines and recommendations and continue to remain a resource for students in the community as a primary care facility. 

      3. California and the County of Sonoma continues to be ahead of COVID-19 and measures continue to be in place to help limit exposure. 

      4. The Shelter in Place order extended to May 3 effective April 1. This order also is much stricter than the previous one. 

      5. Campus Emergency Operations Center is running and is responding to issues that continue to impact from COVID-19 such as telecommuting, continuity of operations and management of campus issues and policies. 

      6. Telecommuting ergonomic issues are being managed under normal practices and should be directed to Renee Senander in Payroll and Benefits. 

  1. Old Business 

    1. Action Log on hold until on-campus operations continue.

  1. New Business from members / Roundtable Discussion

    1. No other items were presented or discussed.