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Campus-wide Safety Committee Minutes August 6th, 2020


  1. Introductions

  1. Review of minutes from previous month were approved at 9:07 AM as written.

  1. Accident & Near Miss Review (Workers’ Compensation)

    1. Two workers comp issues from housekeeping, both involving lower back strains

  1. Standing reports:

    1. University Police

      1. Lieutenant Swicegood reported that crime has declined since the alternative care site has closed; there has been one vandalism and one petty theft. 

      2. Julie Barnes expressed concern regarding Darwin Hall being unlocked, citing recent incidents of homeless accessing the building. LT Swicegood stated that he would raise the issue of keeping Darwin locked with the EOC, and reminded everyone to call campus police and report any unusual or concerning behavior. 

      3. LT Swicegood reported that several homeless encampments along the creek bed have recently been vacated, and relayed that University Police must give homeless 72 hour notification to vacate an area once reported. 

      4. University Police are anticipating the ~ 458 students that will be occupying the dorms later this month.

    2. EH&S

      1. The Water Board conducted a very successful inspection on our water distribution system resulting in no faults or citations. A new drinking water permit should be issued within the next few weeks.

      2. Hazardous waste management training has been conducted with the ISTs from SST and the Art Department, a training video for the presentation will be made available for Facilities in the near future. 

        1. Julie Barnes expressed concerns that the ISTs for the Art Program were served lay off notices, and that chemicals maintained by those ISTs were dangerous and required their dedicated management. 

        2. Ruth LeBlanc pointed out that this issue was discussed at the last Chemical Safety Meeting, and departments are proactively managing this. There were adequate resources in place to remove the Art Department’s hazardous waste and conduct safety inspections in the very near term.  

      3. The Cart Safety program will be going out in the near term. Jordan Lundberg asked if his department would have an opportunity to provide input, Ruth LeBlanc replied that Facilities has already given feedback, and were the first to be allowed to do so.

      4. The new Chemical Hygiene Plan has been published and reviewed with stakeholders during the last Chemical Safety Committee meeting. The plan was well received and there were no issues identified. EH&S will conduct safety inspections beginning in September, and departments are empowered to conduct their own internal inspections prior to EH&S, utilizing the RSS software mandated by the CSU Chancellor’s Office. 

      5. Hazardous materials inventories from all departments are required by August 27th, this is a requirement to update our Hazardous Materials Business plans. Questions can be directed to EH&S, more specifically Chris Angle or Christy Gorman.

    3. Student Affairs

      1. Michael Enyon wanted to thank Kat and Madison from Facilities for assisting with moving DSS chairs out of Stevenson. 

      2. Missy Brunetta recommended that future DSS chair procurement should be limited to chairs with a surface that can be decontaminated. Michael agreed.

    4. Facilities Management

      1. Ben Ellis reported that students will be returning to campus August 14-17. They are going to focus on substance abuse awareness training for students based on systemic substance abuse increases observed due to COVID-19.

      2. Jordan Lundberg inquired about COVID 19 protocols for how students will share spaces, and how it might impact fulfilling work orders.

        1. Missy Brunetta responded that COVID protocols are fluid, and we essentially react to edicts from the Governor’s Office. Right now, University policy is that masks are warn in classrooms, work spaces, or areas where 6’ separation can’t be maintained, but there is no requirement while inside your individual dorm room. She also mentioned that there would be increased monitoring for students from high risk areas.

      3. Jordan asked if there were rapid COVID tests available for the University, Missy responded that we were reliant on the County system.

      4. Jordan asked if there were online training opportunities for students living on campus.

        1. Ryan Henne responded that there was signage posted, daily health screens, and that the Chancellor’s Office was dictating protocols for student management. 

      5. Jordan asked Dr. Margot Brown if there should be different protocols for fulfilling work orders, to which she replied that wearing masks and social distancing were the standard protocols.

        1. Missy reported that she sees many lapses in those protocols by University employees, typically when they are outside but within 6’ of one another, but that if an employee was high risk and wanted additional protocols they could raise that issue through their Supervisor.  

  1. Emergency Services

    1. COVID-19 Campus update

      1. ACS has moved off of campus, still conducting recovery operations.

      2. Employee screening is going well, there are 3 active cases and the University is working on improving exposure criteria. 

      3. Sonoma County is on the State’s watch list as cases are continuing to grow.

      4. We are entering into the season where transmission is more likely.

      5. There are one way traffic corridors in Darwin, other buildings are being surveyed for one way traffic routes. Criteria is based on thoroughfares that don’t allow 6’ separation. 

  2. New Business from members / Roundtable Discussion- No new business was discussed.