Campus-wide Safety Committee Minutes February 4, 2021

Campus-wide Safety
Meeting Date
Thursday, February 4, 2021
  1. Ruth LeBlanc welcomed the group.
  1. Review of minutes from previous month were approved as written.
  1. Accident & Near Miss Review (Workers’ Compensation)
    1. One trip and fall accident was reported. One employee recorded as out in the previous month.
  1. Standing reports:
    1. University Police
      1. Sergeant Karl Mortenson reported police activity for January resulting in five arrests total. Crimes ranged from reports of rap to violation of probation, vandalism and verbal disturbances.
    2. Environmental Health and Safety (EHS)
      1. EHS discussed the standing agenda and it we decided to add CSUEU to the agenda moving forward.
      2. EHS reported that the Campus Safety Committee charter is available on the EHS website, as well as agendas and minutes.
      3. Christy Gorman discussed the status of Risk and Safety Solution (RSS). They have logged 53 inspections total, 15 completed by EHS and 38 self-inspections. They have 94% compliance over all with five departments recording 15 self-assessments.
      4. Christy Gorman also spoke to the process of chemical inventories through RSS. This is the last module of RSS to implement at SSU.
      5. Chris Angle reported the status on the hazardous material minimization efforts, including diesel reduction. Angle also spoke regarding planning grants that SSU was interested in regarding stormwater and drains.
    3. Student Affairs
      1. Ryan Henne reported that residence hall evacuation drills were beginning. Ben Ellis would be present at the next meeting to present on alcohol and other drugs programs.
      2. Michael Eynon reported that Disability Services for Students is deep in planning for disability awareness month for April.
    4. Facilities Management
      1. Dana Twedell reported that Facilities was continuing to add spaces and services to their daily routines as more buildings opened in line with Continuity plans.
    5. Emergency Services
      1. Missy Brunetta spoke about minor inclement storms in the upcoming three to four weeks that would also lead to a large drought in the state this summer.
      2. Brunetta also reported repopulation planning has begin for Fall 2021 semester with the expectation that between 50-60 percent would be on ground overall. Academic and student services would be brought on campus in line with population.
      3. The Continuity planning team is using the rate of 50 square foot for seated activities to calculate new capacities in offices and classrooms.
      4. Brunetta shared that the campus is preparing for additional spaces to open should the county transition to new tiers in the COVID tiers, including some student study spaces in Schulz Information Center.
      5. Brunetta discussed the outstanding concerns regarding furniture changes, accommodations and space and employee return plans. More information would be coming on this plan and Brunetta agreed to keep the group informed of such information.
      6. Vaccinations and current status of SSU employees were also discussed. All SSU employees are hoped to be eligible within 12 weeks for vaccination through the Sonoma County Office of Education, as supply allows.
  2. New Business / Roundtable Discussion
    • Gina Voight presented two items for discussions regarding chemicals and fit testing for respirations for employees. EHS agreed to discuss both matters offline as progress had already been made on both topics.