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Campus-wide Safety Committee Minutes January 9, 2020


  1. Minutes from previous month were approved without correction or additions.

  1. Accident & Near Miss Review (Workers’ Compensation)

    1. There were 7 new injuries for the month; 3 burns and 4 physical injuries, 2 of the physical injuries were in dining and 2 were in custodial.

    2. Workman’s comp staff is working on updating the OSHA 300 Log.

  1. Standing reports:

    1. University Police

      1. University Police are working on getting a grant for Sexual Assault Program.

      2. No safety walk has been conducted due to campus closure.

  1. EH&S

    1. Safety Manager Position was offered, working with HR to finalize the acquisition.

    2. Coordinating with University Staff, Facilities and waste management vendors to establish strategic surge effort for anticipated purge of Stevenson Hall.

    3. DOORs Report was completed and submitted.

    4. E Waste report and BAAQMD Annual Source Report due in near term.

    5. Implementing the new Hazardous Waste Program with emphasis on labeling and Universal Waste Management. The Universal and E Waste yard was cleared and cleaned at an elevated cost due to poor waste management practices. EH&S working with Facilities to control future waste management procedures and maintain compliance with appropriate regulations. 

  1. Student Activities

    1. Working with Facilities (Kat) to develop process for tracking chairs signed out to students. This semester lime green tags are being utilized. 

  1. Facilities Management

    1. Will be conducting lessons learned from Salazar remodel (rodent issue) and power shutdown over break.

    2. Suggestion from EH&S to develop a working group to explore the effectiveness of the fume hoods in Darwin Hall.

  1. Emergency Services

  1. 4 evacuation drills are being planned. 

  2. February 19th and 21st will be active shooter drills.

  3. Recent fire alarm trigger in the library was the result of a vendor not conducting a test.

  1. Old Business – Status of action items from prior meetings

    1. See action log.

  1. New Business from members / Roundtable Discussion

    1. Julie Barnes mentioned that wood rats are becoming a nuisance in parking lot F.

    2. Julie Barnes introduced the topic of responding to student incapacitation while attending labs, Missy stated that there is a draft policy addressing this.

    3. The Injury and Illness Prevention Program has been waiting for approval from the Chancellor’s Office since February 2019. Gina is going to follow up.

    4. Gina mentioned that mold is a problem outside the pre-collegiate building.

    5. Renee stated that OSHA reporting has become more stringent, and that she and Tricia Ramos need immediate notification of amputations, loss of eyesight, or admittance to a hospital. 

    6. Ruth is looking for ideas to increase safety consciousness across the campus, and where to apply resources. Ideas mentioned:

      1. New Employee Orientation

      2. Promoting safety through a campaign

      3. Uniformity across management and key safety personnel

      4. Effective and timely investigations

      5. How to respond if negligence is a factor?