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Campus-wide Safety Committee Minutes June 4, 2020


  1. Introductions

  1. Review of minutes from previous month were approved as written.

  1. Accident & Near Miss Review (Workers’ Compensation)

    1. One worker’s compensation claim during month of May. 

  1. Standing reports

    1. University Police

      1. Lieutenant Lee Swicegood shared UPD has a new interim police chief, Chief Weaver who has extensive background in the local areas including Rohnert Park Department of Public Safety.

      2. Additionally, UPD served as Mutual Aid for the City of Santa Rosa police over a period of four nights in response to protests in Downtown Santa Rosa. 

      3. Representative Karl Mortenson shared the Daily Crime Log from the Police Services for May which included lower activity due to the low population on campus.

    2. EH&S

      1. Chemical Hygiene Plan will be implemented in July. 

      2. Risk and Safety Services software trainings are in progress.  

      3. Implementation of new Stormwater Permit/Plan is progressing as planned. 

      4. Hazardous Material handling training is available. 

      5. Compliance based training for EH&S will be provided to HR soon for review. Matrix is available for those managers who would like to train their staff.  

      6. Cart Safety Program is in final draft phase, and key stakeholders will be consulted in the coming weeks. 

    3. Student Affairs

      1. No updates shared.

    4. Facilities Management

      1. No updates shared. 

  1. Emergency Services

    1. COVID-19 Campus update

      1. COVID-19 (commonly known as Coronavirus) has taken over the world and become a global pandemic.  

      2. California and the County of Sonoma continues to be ahead of COVID-19 and measures continue to be in place to help limit exposure. 

      3. EOC has been downgraded to a Level 1 which has allowed much of the emergency response work to function back in the departments who manage them normally. The EOC does stand ready for a possible escalation of emergency. 

      4. President Sakaki has established two working groups (Academic Continuity and Operational Planning) to help consultatively guide the University through this dynamic situation and those groups are operating independently of the EOC. 

      5. The Alternate Care Site operated by the County of Sonoma Health Services is operating in Verdot Village, parts of Sauvignon Village, and the Recreation Center including parts of the Student Center contract is ending soon and SSU is ready to turn over current sites to welcome limited students back in the fall. 

  1. New Business from members / Roundtable Discussion

    1. No other items were presented or discussed.