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Campus-wide Safety Committee Minutes March 5, 2020


  1. Introductions

    1. Committee welcomed Christy Gorman, Safety Program Manager in Environmental Health and Safety to campus

    2. Student Representatives not present

  1. Minutes from previous meeting were approved without corrections or additions.

  1. Accident & Near Miss Review (Workers’ Compensation)

    1. 15 new cases in February

    2. Of the 15 new cases, 10 were recordable

  1. Standing reports:

    1. University Police

      1. UPD representative introduced two new officers

      2. Reviewed activity of February including arrests, crime trends, and daily crime log on UPD website

      3. UPD shared response to Sonoma Star article posted regarding UPD’s handling of crimes

      4. Opportunity to better communicate regarding the daily crime log crime statuses (Open, Closed, Suspended, etc.) are required by Jeanne Clery Act, can better communicate what those mean to end-users and campus community

    2. EH&S

      1. Working with Facilities Management to develop procedures, track and allocated E-waste, U-waste, and Hazardous Waste measures

      2. Working with Academic Affairs to introduce and maintain student safety training in labs and studios

      3. Developing a Chemical Hygiene plan currently

    3. Student Activities

      1. Disability Awareness Month is coming up in April, which will include activities, lectures and campus events

      2. Will send out list of activities to Campus Safety Committee once finalized

      3. CARE cases have increased from 90 cases last year to 177 open cases (current number)

      4. CARE is developing training for students, faculty and staff on response and process, including touchpoints for intervention

    4. Facilities Management

      1. Residential campus safety walk is scheduled for March 10 and various designees from the areas within Facilities will be attending                                                     

    5. Emergency Services

      1. Coronavirus continues to be present, but still remains a low risk for our campus 

      2. Flu is very common and the Student Health Center is responding appropriately, which includes providing flu shots to students and recommending basic hygiene acts as deterrents

      3. Campus is preparing for a response and appropriate measures on how to combat and prevent spread

      4. Sanitation messaging coming soon to employees, including managing leaves of absences through Payroll and Benefits

      5. Focus of planning is Business Continuity and how to continue forward as normal business under other circumstances

  1. Old Business – Status of action items from prior meetings

    1. See Action Log

  1. New Business from members / Roundtable Discussion

    1. No other items were presented