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Campus-wide Safety Committee Minutes September 3, 2020


  1. Introductions-Yeymi Perez Bravo with the Associated Students Senator for Community Affairs joined the Safety Committee for the first time.

  1. Review of minutes from previous month were approved at 9:06 AM as written.

  1. Accident & Near Miss Review (Workers’ Compensation)

    1. 1 workman’s comp from home and two injuries in Housekeeping, one was a shoulder strain from stacking chairs and one was a contusion from walking into a glass wall.

  1. Standing reports:

    1. University Police

      1. Representative Karl Mortenson reported a light month for August. There was a vandalism at the GMC, a petty theft in Beaujolais Village, one warrant arrest and one fraudulent credit card usage. 

      2. The UPD is awaiting the final decision on their new Chief.

    2. EH&S

      1. Hazardous waste was recently collected and transported off campus.

      2. Departmental lab inspections and chemical inventory updates are ongoing, thanks to all for the support. 

      3. EH&S will be conducting lab inspections later this month, beginning with the Art Department and moving on to SST. 

      4. Several new programs have been implemented, to include roof safety, electrical safety and lock out tag out procedures.

      5. EH&S continues to support the Stevenson project. 

      6. Safety training has been rolled out for all areas of the campus, department specific training has been reviewed with all departments. Stormwater training was emphasized due to the presence of Copeland Creek on campus, and the close proximity of the creek to the major population centers of the campus.

    3. Student Affairs

      1. Michael Enyon inquired about CSU-based ADA compliance training for all employees and students. Ruth stated that she would assist by trying to help locate training options on the CSU system. She also offered to incorporate and student affairs-based training that was locally developed onto the EH&S secure youtube channel for distribution.

      2. Michael also enquired as to the best way to remove an ADA compliant chair from the campus, to which Kelley Greene responded that a work order for the movers to collect it would be the most efficient way. 

      3. Yeymi with the Student Senate asked inquired about what measures were being taken to prevent gatherings for the student population living on campus. Ruth responded that there has been a lot of outreach in the form of signage, flyers, and through the orientation process. She recommended directing that question to Ryan Henne for more specifics. 

    4. Facilities Management- No Update.

  1. Emergency Services- No Update

  1. New Business from members / Roundtable Discussion

    1. Jordan asked if there was a protocol for going into isolation and quarantine areas. Kelley mentioned that in Teamster meetings they have clarified that work orders can’t be executed in an occupied room of the quarantine and isolation areas. The occupant has to be cleared and the room sanitized before execution. Ruth offered to pass that question on to Emergency Services (Missy) for formal protocols.

    2. No other items were presented or discussed.