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Stormwater Awareness

A Critical Review of Stormwater Health and Management as the Campus Marches Towards Re-opening for the Fall '21 Semester

Here at Sonoma State University, we are determined to operate as responsible stewards of the environment. One of the most overlooked yet important collective efforts towards this goal is the protection of stormwater runoff as it migrates across the campus. Stormwater can simply be defined as water that collects on campus due to rainfall or (less frequently) the melting of hail or snow. These waters will migrate across the campus until they drain into a stormwater inlet, which convey the waters directly to Copeland Creek on the north side of the campus. 

Stormwater runoff is not treated as it enters the stormwater infrastructure, to do so would impact the delicate balance of life for the plants and animals native to the creek. It is important to note that the stormwater migrating across the campus will pick up everything that is on the ground along its way! Trash, oil, sediment, plastics, chemicals or pesticides on the ground…they are all potential sources of pollution that can make it into the creek unchecked without our relentless commitment to prevent it.

Remember: Only rain goes down the storm drain!

So how can you help transform our campus environment into the cleanest, safest conveyance for stormwater runoff as it migrates towards the Creek? It is easier than you might think to make a difference!

  • Dispose of trash in proper receptacles. Trash absorbs dirt, grease, oil, and other pollutants that dissolve into the stormwater runoff when it rains. These pollutants go straight to the fish!

  • Recycle motor oil and maintain your vehicle to prevent leaks.

  • Never wash or service your vehicle in parking lots. 

  • Cover piles of dirt, sand, leaves, debris etc. to prevent wind erosion

  • Remove visible debris from inlet drains

Above all, if you see something, say something! Report any potential sources of pollution that you observe on campus (a leaky automobile, a rainbow sheen on groundwater, a pile of uncovered landscaping materials, etc.) to the Department of Environmental Health and Safety at (707) 664-2100 or

You can learn more about our campus Stormwater Management by reviewing the slideshow available on the Department of Environmental Health and Safety website.